28Aug 2020


  • Filtration Technology Corporation.
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Solid-liquid filtration, which is primarily reducing the amount of particulate contamination can be controlled either as a surface or as a depth filtration mechanism. While surface area control is quite common, understanding depth filtration is a bit more complex. Solid-Liquid filtration entails fine tuning of several parameters with respect to fluid flow and the filter media characteristics. The differential pressure across a given filter surface area that determines the life of a filter, in relation to these parameters, is explained by Darcys law. The liquid permeability of the media is a characteristic of the filter properties such as pore size distribution, pore volume and depth of the media. Although multi-layered filters are well-known in industry, very few studies have systematically quantified their filtration performance, and even less have characterized the effect of multi-layered structure on depth filter performance. This study aims to determine the permeability of multi-layered filter media as opposed to that of the individual layers, so as to establish a predictive relation with the characterized properties of the layers included as well as operating conditions. The filtration efficiency and mechanism are studied for single versus multiple layers of non-woven melt blown media based on filter inlet and outlet fluid evaluations.

[Ashish Bandekar and Hari Nemmara (2020); PREDICTIVE ANALYSIS OF SOLIDS FILTRATION WITH MULTI-LAYERED FILTERED MEDIA Int. J. of Adv. Res. 8 (Aug). 407-419] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr.Ashish Bandekar
Filtration Technology Corporation
United States


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/11508      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/11508