- Research Fellows, Islamic Finance Research Institute of Ghana, H/No. GA-044-0559 Odoitso Street, Greater Accra, Ghana.
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The concept of electronic banking today has given birth to a number of modern technologies in the banking industry, and many banks across the world in recent times have improved their service delivery especially with the new technologies. This is contributing significantly to the performance of the banks. This study examines the effect of electronic banking on bank performance in Djibouti. A structured Likert scale was used for the data collection. 250 respondent were selected on convenient basis from different banks in Djibouti. Structural Equation Model (SEM) and partial least square were used for the Analysis. The results revealed that there is a significant positive relationship between electronic banking and bank performance. This study contributes theoretically to the electronic banking literature especially in the context of Africa. Contributions and recommendations have been suggested with regards to future research works in this field.
[Musah Ismaila, Shaibu Ali, Sherif Heiman Shaban, Yusif Ali and Ismail Awudu Yahyah (2020); EFFECT OF ELECTRONIC BANKING ON BANK PERFORMANCE: EVIDENCE FROM DJIBOUTI Int. J. of Adv. Res. 8 (Jul). 1496-1505] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com
1 Research Fellow, Islamic Finance Research Institute of Ghana, H/No. GA-044-0559 Odoitso Street, Greater Accra, Ghana.