- Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of Barishal, Bangladesh.
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In recent years it is seen that the government is so conscious about our womens main-streaming and development to improve the overall condition of the women in Bangladesh. Government and non-governmental organizations have taken various steps on women empowerment. Despite this, in a pragmatic sense, the empowerment of women is still an illusion of reality. For remaining so many imperceptible barriers and changing variables, the words related to womens empowerment become a pseudo statement. Today the empowerment of women has become one of the most important concerns of the 21st century since the empowerment of women is essentially a process of upliftment of the economic and socio-political status of women and this way the dream of gender democracy came to be true. We all agree that through ensuring gender democracy by women empowerment, we will form a world where men and women will have equal opportunities to live which ensures to ascertain sustainable development and economic growth that is the goal of SDG. So this paper concludes that the necessity of women empowerment to overcome the vulnerable condition of women and is intended to find out the imperceptible barriers of women empowerment. And finally, this article draws some initiatives on how to ensure women empowerment pragmatically in every step of living by eradicating those barriers.
[Sahanaj Parvin Rimy (2020); WOMEN EMPOWERMENT: A SHORT PRAGMATIC ANALYSIS Int. J. of Adv. Res. 8 (Jul). 976-985] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com
Lecturer Department of Philosophy University of Barishal.