- Vice- Principal, Bhopal Nursing College , Under ICMR, MOH&FW, Govt of India. BMHRC, Bhopal, MP State.
- Nursing Tutor, Bhopal Nursing College, Under ICMR , MOH&FW, Govt of India. BMHRC, Bhopal, MP State.
- Professor, R.D.Memorial College of Nursing, Bhopal, MP State India.
- Lecturer, Omaskthi college of Nursing, Dharmapauri, Tamil Nadu.
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Problem-based learning (PBL) is one of the most important innovative, effective and valuable instructional teaching strategy in which students can draw upon prior knowledge, learn within the real-world context, and reinforce the knowledge through independent and small group work. It challenges students to learn to learn, prepares students to think critically and analytically, and to find and use appropriate learning resources working cooperatively in groups to seek solutions to real world problems. This article provides framework for the development of problem‐based learning with essential concepts.
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Vice- Principal, Bhopal Nursing College , Under ICMR, MOH&FW, Govt of India. BMHRC, Bhopal, MP State,