19Jan 2020


  • Animal Husbandry Departmentof Polythecnic State Jember.
  • Postgraduate Animal Husbandry of Brawijaya University.
  • Abstract
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The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the level of economic, technical and allocative efficiency of the use of production factors for the type of open house system cages per breeder individual in Lamongan Regency and study and analyze what factors affect economic efficiency, allocative efficiency and technical efficiency in the closed house system cages.The sampling technique used in this study was a multistage sampling method which consisted of 14 breeders who partner with PT. X Lamongan Regency, East Java. The result of thestudy was the R/C ratio of broiler poultry farming with Closed House System (CHS) of 1.13. Input variables that affected the production function of broiler poultry farming with a Open House System (OHS) patterns are DOC, feed, vaccines, and electricity & water. Input variables that affect the cost function of poultry farming with a Open House System (OHS) pattern were DOC, feed, vaccines, and electricity & water. The Open House System (OHS) broiler poultry farming business in Lamongan Regency has not been technically efficient even though a high level of technical efficiency was obtained in each of the business patterns of 0.958 in the Open House System (OHS) pattern. The diversity of technical efficiency level in the broiler poultry farming business with aOpen House System (OHS) pattern of 0.031 was influenced by inefficiency sources, namely age and education because the age of Open House System breeders in the average productive age and the average education of scholars who supported the operation of broiler poultry cages. The ability of breeders in minimizing costs to achieve average broiler production with a Open House System (OHS) pattern of 15,142.8 live chickens was at satisfaction level but did not meet economic efficiency with an average economic efficiency of 0.9999750 with Open House System (OHS) pattern. The average level of allocative efficiency in broiler poultry farming business with the pattern of Open House System (OHS) the average level of allocative efficiency obtained was 1.045. This showed that the Open House System (OHS) broiler poultry farming business has been allocatively efficient. The suggestions of this studyare the real time monitoring from the core parties namely reporting sapronak data, mortality and daily events on plasma parties by using the application of the FMDC tool for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of partnership cooperation, strict criminal and civil law sanctions for plasma parties which are proven to commit fraud in implementing partnership cooperation, an increase in the price of guarantee certificates for each new plasma that wants to join as a breeder.

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[Niswatin Hasanah, Zaenal Fanani, Suyadi and Bambang Ali Nugroho (2020); BROILER POULTRY FARMING OPEN HOUSE SYSTEM PATTERNS STOCHASTIC FRONTIER OF ECONOMIC, TECHNICAL AND ALLOCATIVE EFFICIENCY OF IN LAMONGAN REGENCY EAST JAVA Int. J. of Adv. Res. 8 (Jan). 1053-1060] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

niswatin hasanah
politeknik negeri jember


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/10402      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/10402