- Associate Professor, Iqra University, Karachi, Pakistan.
- Iqra University, Karachi, Pakistan.
- PhD Scholar, University of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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The main objective of this study is to analyze the brand image, price and service quality dimensions in creating customer satisfaction in apparel industry in Karachi. Brand image, price image, service quality and customer satisfaction are the variables used in this research. The purpose of this study is to define, what elements of brand image, price image and service quality are affecting the customer satisfaction when taking a purchase decision. Furthermore, after investigating on the mentioned variables, new opportunities are opening their doors for the marketers to create a sustainable market in the future, and understand the buyer?s black box which will broaden the marketer?s scope and create awareness to enhance the customer satisfaction. Primary data is collected throughsurvey questionnaire from 270 respondents. Regression analysis is used to infer the data. The results show that there is a significant positive relationship between brand, price image, service quality and customer satisfaction.
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[Irfan Hameed, Muhammad Ismail Dastageer and Atif Shahab (2020); IMPACT OF BRAND IMAGE, PRICE IMAGE AND SERVICE QUALITY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION : ANALYSIS OF APPAREL COMPANIES IN KARACHI Int. J. of Adv. Res. 8 (Jan). 627-637] (ISSN 2320-5407).
University of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia