- Department of Internal Medicine, King Georgs Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Department of Critical Care Unit, King Georgs Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Department of Pulmonary Medicine, King Georgs Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Introduction: South Asian countries are undergoing an epidemiological transition in the urban and sub urban area which is characterized by a decrease of infectious diseases and an increase in chronic non -infectious ones. This increase is largely due to a marked change in lifestyle (sedentary lifestyle, obesity, and stress of urbanization and labour), including changes in food consumption patterns. Although the cardiopulmonary exercise test remains the gold-standard method of assessing the individual's metabolic, cardio-respiratory fitness and maximal capacity for exercise, the high-intensity nature of exhaustive stress tests may be inappropriate for certain low-fit or patient groups. Therefore, sub maximal exercise testing may provide a safe, practical means of evaluating functional status, monitoring treatment effectiveness and establishing prognosis. Material and Methods: A cross sectional prevalence study was done in department of Medicine, KGMU, Lucknow on 100 patients of the age between 25-65 years who fulfilled the IDF criteria for Metabolic Syndrome to study 6 minute walk test in metabolic syndrome. Result: Maximum number of patients were in 31-40 years of age group (45%) followed by those aged 410 year (26%), <30 years (15%), >50 years (14%). Mean age of patients was 39.59?8.67 year.Distance covered by subjects of control group (405.65?12.73 m) was found to be statistically significantly higher than that of metabolic syndrome subjects (298.36?27.02 m) during the 6 Min Walking Distance test.% Predicted 6 min walking distance of control group (86.56?2.18%) was found to be significantly higher than that of metabolic syndrome subjects (79.13?0.64%).Difference in other hemodynamic variables (oxygen saturation respiratory rate, and pulse rate at rest (PR-R) and pulse rate during walking PR-W) among subjects of metabolic syndrome subjects and control were not found to be statistically significant. Conclusion:Patients with Metabolic Syndrome showed reduced maximal exercise capacity as assessed by 6MWT as compared to healthy control. However, no significant correlation was found between Metabolic Syndrome patients with respect to change in HR, RR, Spo2 during 6MWT
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[Tulika Kumari, Shyam Chand Choudhary, Kauser Usman, K.K. Sawlani, Avinash Agrawal, M.L. Patel, D. Himanshu, K.K. Gupta and Ajay Verma (2019); STUDY OF SIX MINUTE WALK TEST IN PATIENT OF METABOLIC SYNDROME Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (Nov). 339-343] (ISSN 2320-5407).