- Faculty of Engineering, University of Darma Agung, Indonesia
- Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
- Immanuel Industrial Engineering Academy, Indonesia
- Universitas of Sari Mutiara Indonesia, Indonesia
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Electric power is an essensial energy used all the time for human life. Even, the used of electric power could be as a parameter for showing the prosperity of a nation. Recently, lack of electric power causes the transfer of conventional energy consumption to renewable energy. North Sumatera Province lies on the equator. Therefore solar cell becomes one of the option used to generate electricity by converting sunlight into electricity. Solar cell can be used as a source of energy for street lighting at night. The length of national roads is always increasing every year built by government. In 2019, the overall length of national roads becomes 2632.22 Kms. The increase of the length of this national road causes the need for increased electrical power. By using solar cells as a source of energy replacing conventional energy sources, so energy conservation can be generated. All the lamps SON, 400 Watts, 220 Volts are changed to LED, 100 Watt, 24 Volts. By replacing SON lamp into LED lamps which the solar cells as an energy source will provide a carbon dioxide emission reduction. Energy conservation and Carbon emission reduction in a region will have an impact on air condition.
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[Janter Napitupulu, Nasruddin M.N, Immanuel Munthe and Setia Megawati (2019); CONSERVATION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY ON THE NATIONAL STREET LIGHTING BASED ON ENVIRONMENT Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (Nov). 716-722] (ISSN 2320-5407).
University of Darma Agung