- Student, PSIT College of Engineering, Dept. of Information Technology Kanpur Uttar Pradesh, India
- Assistant Prof. , PSIT College of Engineering, Dept. of Information Technology Kanpur Uttar Pradesh, India
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Tuberculosis is a major drawback and speedily unfold disease in all over the world. Correct diagnosis is the key to controlling the disease. Ancient ways like tuberculin skin test (TST) results that take longer to find T.B. This paper presents an automatic approach to find T.B. using chest X-Rays. T.B?s first and foremost target is to attack the human respiratory system and to disturb its traditional functioning by affecting most specific a part of the respiratory system i.e. lungs. It becomes tough to breathe properly with the affected lungs and if not timely treated, the severity of the disease can increase and it can result in death
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[Prakanshu Srivastava, Vivek Kumar Sahu, Sachin Singh, Vibhav Awasthi and Isha Sehgal (2019); DIAGNOSIS OF PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS USING CHEST X-RAYS Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (Nov). 316-320] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com
PSIT College of Engineering, Kanpur