15Oct 2019


  • Maritime Academy AMANJAYA Jakarta.
  • University of Tarumanegara.
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of Service Quality, Customer Relationship Marketing, and Attractiveness, on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty at sea transportation companies in Jakarta Province Region. The research design used in this study is causal design which explains the causal relationship. The research location is in Jakarta Province while the research objects are 10 sea transportation companies in Jakarta Province with 250 customers. The sample selection used nonprobability sampling. This dissertation draft used primary data from questionnaire filled out by the respondents. The tools of analysis of the research are descriptive statistics using SPSS and hypothesis testing by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using Lisrel. The results of hypothesis testing showed that : 1) the Organization Culture has not significant effect on Performance, 2) the Organizational Culture has positive and significant impact on Job Satisfaction, 3) the Organizational Culture has positive and significant impact on Achievement Motivation, 4) the Organizational Culture has positive and significant impact on Organization Commitment, 5) Job Satisfaction has not significant effect on Performance, 6) Job Satisfaction has not significant effect on Organization Commitment, 7) Organization Commitment has not significant effect on Performance, 8) Achievement Motivation has positive and significant on Performance, and 9) Achievement Motivation has positive and significant on Jobs satisfaction. The descriptive analysis shows that the level of Service Quality, CRM, Attractiveness, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty is at positive level.

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Maritime Academy AMANJAYA Jakarta


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/9934      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/9934