- SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of World Economy.
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This paper focuses on the importance of Tourism Sector for a country's economy. In order to conduct this research paper, Oman has been chosen as the country. The aim of this paper is to identify how Oman's tourism industry provides opportunities for its economic growth. For this purpose, three articles have been chosen after reviewing more than 20 journal articles. The qualitative research method has been followed in conducting this research. The content of all three articles is linked with the main research question of this paper. The first article is about the performance of the hotel industry of Oman. The reason behind choosing this particular article is because it provides a brief understanding of the hotels situated in different regions of the country and their contribution to tourism and their great economic impact. The second article is about the implementation or utilization of social media for advertisement and encouraging the tourism sector. The last article is about considering the tourism sector as a major contributor to Oman's economy apart from the Oil and natural gas sector. This article involves a number of opportunities which the tourism sector may provide to Oman's economy. The study indicates that tourism sector contributes to Oman?s economy in various ways such as the creation of employment, visitors? exports, government spending, increased Oman?s GDP, internal consumption, and capital investment. This, therefore, is an indication that if well managed, tourism has the ability to boost Oman?s economy significantly. It is upon the government to ensure that it seizes the available opportunity by focusing on accommodation, the security of the country, ensure efficient transportation services, among other essential amenities that would improve tourism industry.
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[Zakiya Salim Al Hasni. (2019); THE TOURISM SECTOR, ITS IMPORTANCE IN ACHIEVING ECONOMIC GROWTH IN THE SULTANATE OF OMAN. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (Sep). 331-335] (ISSN 2320-5407).