08Sep 2019


  • P.G. Scholar, Dept. of Panchkarma, Rishikul Campus, U.A.U, Haridwar.
  • Professor, Dept. of Panchkarma, Main Campus, U.A.U, Haridwar.
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Vatarakta is a disease related with Khavaigunya found in RaktavahaSrotas which includes vitiated Vata and blood. Small joints of feet and hands are mainly affected in Vatarakta. Vata being pre dominant among the Tridosha has the potential to cause more serious and long term diseases than the other two. The classical texts lay down ample of importance to the functions and characteristics of Vata. At the same time, Rakta being the foremost body tissue also play an important role in sustaining the healthy life of the person. Vatarakta is an illness where both Vata and Rakta are afflicted by distinct etiological factors. Description of Vatarakta has been done since Samhita Kala. According to AacharyaCharaka, clinical features of Vatarakta are different according to site. To identify an alternative & safer management, MatraBasti Karma was selected for the study to see its effect on Vatarakta. 20 patients were selected on the basis of inclusion criteria of Vatarakta& were given treatment. There was found to be significantly reduction in symptoms like Kandu, Daha, Ruja, Toda, Sandhishotha, Stabdhata, Sparshasahishnuta and Raga.

  1. Agnivesha, charaka Samhita, Vaidya yadavjitrikamjiacharya, chaukambaorientalia, Varanasi, 5th edition; 2009.
  2. Sushruta, sushruta Samhita, chaukambaorientalia, Varanasi, 7th edition, nidanasthana; 2008.
  3. Charaka, Bala D, Shastri RD, Acharya YT, editors. Siddhisthana. 5th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit series; CharakaSamhita,Agnivesha; p. 682.
  4. Agnivesha, charakasamhita- vidyotinitika edited by kasinathsastri&GorakhnathChaturvedi, Chaukamba Bharti academy, Varanasi, edition reprinted 2009, cikitsasthana chapter 29/5-7, PP 820.
  5. Agnivesha, charakasamhita- vidyotinitika edited by kasinathsastri&GorakhnathChaturvedi, Chaukamba Bharti academy, Varanasi, edition reprinted 2009, cikitsasthana chapter 29/103-109.
  6. Agnivesha, charakasamhita- vidyotinitika edited by kasinathsastri&GorakhnathChaturvedi, Chaukamba Bharti academy, Varanasi, edition reprinted 2009, cikitsasthana chapter 29/88.
  7. Charaka, Bala D, Shastri RD, Acharya YT, editors. Siddhisthana. 5th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit series; CharakaSamhita,Agnivesha; p. 682.
  8. Shastri L, editor. Siddhidsthana. 1st ed. BaidyanathAyurvedBhavan Pvt. Ltd; 1989. AshtangaSamgraha with SarvangaSundariVyakhya; p. 1105.

[Rajesh Km. Dharua and Alok Km. Srivastava. (2019); CLINICAL EVALUATION OF ROLE OF AMRUTADYA TAILA MATRA BASTI IN THE MANAGEMENT OF VATARAKTA: A CASE STUDY. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (Sep). 420-422] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Rajesh Kumar Dharua


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/9679      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/9679