01Jun 2019


  • A. Belhaj, Professeur chercheur ? la Facult? des Sciences de l?Education, Universit? Mohamed V, Rabat, Maroc.
  • M.A. Benaissa, Professeur chercheur, ?quipe : Sciences de l'ing?nieur, s?curit? et sciences entrepreneuriales (SIMoLab.net), CEDoc : Sciences et Techniques, Universit? Ibn Tofail, K?nitra, Maroc.
  • F. Benmimoun, Doctorante (PhD Student), ?quipe : Recherches Interdisciplinaires pour l'Innovation en Didactiques et en Capital Humain (RIIDCH), laboratoire : Analyse et ?valuation des Syst?mes d'?ducation et de Formation, CEDoc : Homme, Soci?t? et Education, Facult? des Sciences de l?Education, Universit? Mohamed V, Rabat, Maroc.
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The professional project of the student (PPS) is presented as an innovative device proposed by the project pedagogy to mobilize the transversal skills of students, to integrate the initiatives of the actors around the concept of "project" and prepare them to discover the job market through a better orientation and the construction as they learn of a personal and professional project. The PPS is also proving to be a promising alternative for both teachers and first-year university students (freshmore students), especially in the face of the various changes and challenges in higher education: the massive number of students, the heterogeneity of the public, and the rise of digital culture. This article is the first part of an ongoing research on pedagogical innovations implemented in the context of teaching practices at the Moroccan university and its articulation with the professional skills required by the employer and guarantors of future employability. It is based on a case study, put into practice for the benefit of freshmore students enrolled in Economics and Management (Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra). Our approach attempts to bring together the conceptual and practical framework for thinking about innovation in the programs, contents, methods and skills adopted during the implementation of the PPS and also through the activities of the students. We try to study academic innovation in a concrete way, through the design, implementation and evaluation of an innovative educational device.

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[Fatiha Benmimoun, Mohamed Anouar Benaissa and Abdelhanine Belhaj. (2019); LE PROJET PROFESSIONNEL DE LETUDIANT : UN DISPOSITIF PEDAGOGIQUE INNOVANT AU SERVICE DE LINSERTION PROFESSIONNELLE. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (Jun). 101-118] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Abdelhanine BELHAJ
Professeur chercheur à la faculté des sciences de l’éducation à Rabat


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/9201      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/9201