12May 2019


  • Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University (ASPU) Dissertationist of the Chair of General Linguistics,Azerbaijan University of Languages.
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The article deals with the main features of existential sentences in English, Azerbaijani and Russian languages. The author makes such an inference that the existential sentences are of universal nature from semantic point of view. The article mentions the specific features inherent to existential sentences. Taking into account that the existential sentences in English and Russian have been studied in some extent, the author has focused attention mostly on the existential sentences in the Azerbaijani language. The author thinks that the existential sentences have not been the object of a separate study. Some issues here are approached from the point of view of the word order, some others are approached from the point of view of nominative sentences. The verbs olmaq and var play an important role in the formation of existential sentences in Azerbaijani. According to the author, the studied issue acquires a certain importance from the point of view of general and typologial linguistics and from the point of view of teaching foreign languages.As is known Engilish and Russian belong to Indo-European language family ,but Azerbaijani - to Turkic languages.That?s why there exists a great difference in the use of word order. English and Russian have the following word order : SPO ,but Azerbaijani SOP. This difference is also observed in existential sentences. In Azerbaijani the verbs ?olmaq? and ?var? are usually used at the end of the sentence. Generally, existential sentences occupy a special place in the typology of simple sentences irrespective of the grammatical structure of the given languages.

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[Shalala Mammadova. (2019); SOME FEATURES OF EXISTENTIAL SENTENCES IN LANGUAGES BELONGING TO DIFFERENT LANGUAGE SYSTEMS. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (May). 348-355] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Shalala Mammadova
Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University (ASPU) Dissertationist of the Chair of General Linguistics, Azerbaijan University of Languages


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/9045      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/9045