03Apr 2019


  • Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Sciences, University of Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Karachi, 75270, Pakistan.
  • Meritorious Professor, College of Computer Science, Institute of Business Management, Pakistan.
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The basic objective of this study is to provide a detailed perspective of current situation of public libraries workings and procedures in Karachi (Pakistan) and propose automation strategy with implementation strategy. The study elaborates on the needs of automated library management system components ideally packaging into an ALMS. Differences between available library management system(s) and proposed ALMS have been highlighted as well. This study recommends the development as well as implementation architectures, development technologies, database platforms, required human resources, and Infrastructure (i.e. servers, client machines etc.) for ALMS as a preferred system for public libraries in Karachi,Pakistan.In this study we have proposed a new model for public libraries that refocuses them on the vital task of knowledge management coherent within their communities by way of forming a hub for sharing and disseminating pertinent knowledge. A multi-layered architecture has been proposed for managing information on both local and global levels by creating a connection among multiple instances of system via internet. Statistical data collected by surveying thirty public libraries all over Karachi played a pivotal role in the proposed system design. Different aspects of the system has been identified, quantified and grouped into robust and flexible modules to facilitate the common interactions with the application. The system incorporates modules as pluggable and/or reusable components using MVC design pattern to ease the process of adding, modifying, and/or deleting modules without affecting the integrity of the system. The system features an extremely fast NoSQL database for local storage for real time and offline search (while internet is down). All local databases are combined to form a global database to facilitate the passive users (book readers) of the system. The system also defines four different user-views to provide multi-level access of either the local or global database to its users. Since the horizon of technology is very fragmented, the system is designed to be extremely portable by using Electron framework which enables the application to cover all major platforms Windows, Linux, and Macintosh which are most widely used Operating systems by Institutions.

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[Naveed-e-Sehar, Humera Tariq and S.M.Aqil Burney. (2019); PROFICIENT AUTOMATED LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM(PALMS): A NEW MODEL FOR PUBLIC LIBRARIES OF PAKISTAN. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (Apr). 505-522] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Sciences, University of Karachi, Pakistan


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/8846      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/8846