27Mar 2019


  • (PhD),Lecturer of Endodontics . Department of Conservative Dentistry. Faculty of Dentistry. Misr International University. Cairo. Egypt.
  • (PhD),Assoociate professor of Endodontics . Department of Conservative Dentistry. Faculty of Dentistry. Misr International University. Cairo. Egypt.
  • (PhD),Associate Professor of Endodontics . Department of Endodontics. Faculty of Dentistry. Ain Shams University. Cairo. Egypt.
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Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the number of roots and canal morphology of maxillary permanent premolars in Egyptian population. Methods: seven hundred and eighteen cases were included in this study. Digitized images from cone-beam computed tomography were assessed by 2 endodontists. Number of roots and canals configuration according to Vertucci were tabulated. Results:Most of maxillary first premolars showed two-root configuration, while most of maxillary second premolars showed single root configuration. For maxillary first premolar ,The most common Vertucci classifications for the single root were type II (62.6%) and III (12.6%). While the most common Vertucciclassifications for single rooted maxillary second premolar were I (44%) followed by II (29.8%) and III (17.9%) Conclusions: Under the condition of this study, the root canal configurations of an Egyptian population showed that most maxillary first premolars were two-rooted with 2 root canals, whereas maxillary second premolars tended to be single-rooted with one or two root canals more or less equally distributed. In vivo CBCT imaging is a clinically effective tool for providing comprehensive information about the root canal morphology of various teeth.

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[Amr Ahmed Bayoumi, Ahmed Mostafa Ghobashy and Mohamed Mokhtar Nagy. (2019); EVALUATION OF ROOT AND CANAL MORPHOLOGY OF MAXILLARY PERMANENT PREMOLARS IN AN EGYPTIAN POPULATION BY CONE-BEAM COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (Mar). 1428-1434] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Amr Ahmed Bayoumi
Lecturer of Endodontics . Department of Conservative Dentistry. Faculty of Dentistry. Misr International University. Cairo. Egypt


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/8777      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/8777