25Mar 2019


  • Final year P G scholar, Department of PG studies in Roganidana,Government Ayurvedic medical college and hospital, Bengalure 09, Karnataka, India.
  • Assistant Professor, Department of P G studies in Roganidana, Government Ayurvedic medical college and hospital, Bengalure, Karnataka, India.
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Kasa is a pranavahasrotosvyadhi having origin in amashaya. As we look into the samprapthi of kasa there is obstruction to movement of pranavata by nidanas like dhoomarajaadi which in-turn becomes the mechanical or chemical irritant to pranavahasrotas. The samprapthi explained in the samhita are indicating the cough reflex, which has both sensory and motor pathway, involving both prana and udanavata. This can be explained by the Valsalva maneuver. Kshatajakasa is one of the non-doshikvarieties of kasa. In classics we can see the explanation of kshatajakasa in the context of rajayakshma and kshataksheena, the only difference is amount of nidanasevana and the severity. Here is an attempt made to explain that kasasamprapti explained in samhitas is about ?act of coughing. In modern parlance Kshatajakasa can be understood as haemothorax and haemo-peritoniumupto some extent, after assessing its aetiology and symptoms.?

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  2. Carakasamhitachikitsasthana 18/8, Ayurveda-Deepikateeka, Chaukambha publication, page no-540, Edition: reprint-2016
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  4. Ashtangahridaya sutra sthana-1, 12/4 page no 307 by DR. T Sreekumar, Harishree hospital publication dept.
  5. Ashtangahridaya sutra sthana-1, 12/5page no 307 by DR. T Sreekumar, Harishree hospital publication dept.
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[Prithvi L and Rashmi B M. (2019); CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF KASA AND KSHATAJA KASA SAMPRAPTI. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (Mar). 1019-1023] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr Rashmi B M
assistant professor


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/8731      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/8731