01Mar 2019


  • General surgery department, Zagazig University.
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Introduction:- Benign breast fibroadenoma is the commonest breast disease among women. treatment for giant (or juvenile) fibroadenomas in adult is necessary because of disfigurement of the breast, potential to cause psychological harmful effect, and potential for enlargement with venous congestion, glandular damage, pressure skin necrosis and ulceration. Patients and Methods:- Thirty patients with breast fibroadenomas accepted US guided percutaneous RFA and 30 patients with surgical excision under general or local anesthesia at Zagazig university hospital surgical department. Results: RFA has some significant advantages of keeping the shape and skin integrity of the breast as well as for the esthetic effects with small residual mass recurrence but in surgical excision 3 cases had skin disfigurement. in our study no significant skin or muscle burn resulted but only mild edema in 2 patients that disappeared 8 days later. No recurrence in surgical excision in our study observed. Conclusion:- RFA has its significant advantages in treating breast fibroadenoma, especially for multiple fibroadenomas.

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[Hassan A. Saad, Ahmed M. El Teliti and Abdelwahab S. Almoregy and Ibrahim A. Heggy. (2019); MINIMAL INVASIVE RADIOFREQUENCY ABLATION GUIDED BY ULTRASOUND VERSUS SURGICAL EXCISION IN TREATMENT OF BREAST FIBROADENOMAS. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (Mar). 110-114] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Hassan A. Saad


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/8607      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/8607