- Department of Management, STIE Makassar Maju.
- Department of Business Management, Hasanuddin University.
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The development of Islamic banks is basically how to maintain customer engagement and intensity, as well as continuity be a partner in financing and has sharing beneficial among customers and the management of Islamic banks. This aims of study to determine the effect of the corporate image on customer engagement by measuring directly and indirectly through the mediation of trust, customer satisfaction, and perception. The location of this study is in the Makassar region through 120 collected samples of sharia bank customers, using the Structural Equation Method by using Smart PLS2. The result of this study shows that corporate image has no effect on customer engagement, customer satisfaction, and perception, but the corporate image has an effect on trust in the Islamic customer bank. Customer satisfaction, perception, and trust have no effect on customer engagement. Customer satisfaction, perception, and trust also do not mediate the strengthening of a corporate image to improve customer engagement.
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[Hasnidar, Mahlia Muis, Ria Mardiana and Maat Pono. (2019); THE IMPACT OF CORPORATE IMAGE ON COSTUMER CHARACTERISTIC AND CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT OF ISLAMIC COSTUMER BANK. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (Feb). 912-921] (ISSN 2320-5407).
Department of Management, STIE Makassar Maju