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- Mestre em Saude Humana e Meio Ambiente ? Centro Academico de Vitoria, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, CAV/UFPE ? Pernambuco, Brasil.
- Doutora em Ciencias Biologicas ? Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, UFPE ? Pernambuco, Brasil.
- Especialista em Saude Publica ? Faculdades Integradas da Vitoria de Santo Antao, FAINTVISA ? Pernambuco, Brasil.
- Doutora em Nutricao ? Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, UFPE ? Pernambuco, Brasil.
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Healthy eating is essential for children at all stages of their development, including during the school-age period, promoting growth and health promotion. However, as well as other underdeveloped countries, Brazil underwent a change in the quality and quantity of food and lifestyle, which affected the health of Brazilians in a harmful way. In addition, it is important to know that eating habits learned during childhood influence eating behavior in adulthood. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the food preferences of school-age children for effective interference in order to improve the quality of infant feeding.The objective of this study was to analyze the eating habits and the physical exercise practice of students from the municipal school Casa dos Ferrovi?rios in Recife - Pernambuco. The research was carried out with authorization from the WICF. The representative sample comprised 43 children with an average age of 10 years. For the study, structured questionnaires were elaborated in the classroom, elaborated with ten closed questions about eating habits. Subsequently, the answers were evaluated according to a score previously established for each question. After the evaluation of the data, it was verified that: 6.98% of the children had insufficient diet, 86.04% of the students had a good diet, but still not ideal and 6.98% presented adequate diet. Therefore, in the evaluation of the data, the need to promote food re-education was introduced, introducing nutrient-rich and varied food options in order to improve child health and quality of life.
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[Dayane de Melo Barros, Priscilla Gregorio de Oliveira Sousa, Danielle Feijo de Moura, Tamiris Alves Rocha, Marllyn Marques da Silva, Gerliny Bezerra de Oliveira, Gisele Priscilla de Barros Alves Silva, Jose Andre Carneiro da Silva and Roberta de Albuquerque Bento da Fonte. (2019); ANALYSIS OF FOOD HABITS AND PRACTICE OF PHYSICAL EXERCISES OF STUDENTS OF THE CITY OF RECIFE - PE. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (Mar). 44-47] (ISSN 2320-5407).
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE