- Associate Professor of State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia.
- Professor of State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia.
- Senior Lecturer of PangeranDiponegoro Islamic Institute of Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia.
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In this rapid technology era, the development of learning becomes more advanced. However, not many teachers know what theoretical basic used in teaching methods. Knowing the theoretical basis is important in determining teaching strategies based on students? abilities. One important learning theory is Behaviorism (stimulus and response). This study aims to determine whether the theory of behaviorism is known by the teachers and how its application. To answer this formula, this study used a qualitative case study approach. After doing research, the results of findings showed in Islamic Senior High School 2 Tulungagung has been and is applying behavioristic theory. In addition, forms of motivation also appear indirectly which can be seen from the changes in students? attitudes towards the positive response of the actual application of behavioristic.
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Professor of State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia