- Department of Orthopaedics ,Professor and Head of Department ,M.S.(Ortho),Mch(Ortho),Owaisi Hospital Research,Centre,Deccan college of medical sciences.
- Department of Orhopaedics, Assistant professor ,M.S.Orthopaedics,Owaisi Hospital Research Centre,Deccan College of medical sciences.
- Department of Orthopaedics ,Post-Graduate ,M.S.Orthopaedics ,Owaisi Hospital Research Centre ,Deccan college of medical sciences.
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A Multi-septate Extra-Articular Ganglion Cyst At Anterioinferio medial region of Knee joint Is Abstracted and management with surgically excision . Ganglion cysts are benign soft tissue swellings commonly found in the wrist. The etiology of ganglion cysts is unknown or traumatic. Ganglion cysts can occur at any joint or tendon sheath, but they most often present in the dorsum of the wrist at the scapholunate joint, 75% connect with the dorsal scapholunateinterosseous ligament, other sites of ganglion are dorsal carpal ganglion ,second and third CMC joint,DIP (mucous cyst),flexor sheath,guyon`s canal ,ulnar carpus, volar carpal ganglion ,volar retinacular ganglion but rarely to originate in the knee joint . Ganglion cysts are filled with gelatinous and viscous fluid .Many patients will be asymptomatic cysts for months or even years . In general, ganglion cysts around the knee joint are classified into intra-articular, extra-articular soft tissue, periosteal, and intra-osseous ganglion cysts. Extra-articular ganglion cysts usually appear as uni- or multi-septate cysts on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
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[Mazharuddin Ali Khan, Syed Yaser Quadri and Shaik Vazeeruddin. (2018); A RARE PRESENTATION OF A MULTI-SEPTATE EXTRA-ARTICULAR GANGLION CYST AROUND THE KNEE JOINT. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (Nov). 866-871] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com
Department of Orthopaedics ,Professor and head of department ,Owasi hospital Research Centre,,Deccan college of medical sciences.