18Dec 2018


  • Postgraduate student of environmental science in brawijaya university.
  • Postgraduate lecturer of brawijaya university.
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The agroforestry system is in response to the concerns that arise as a result of the increase in population with reduced area or land in an effort to anticipate a reduction in food sources. The purpose of knowing the pattern of agroforestry farmers' development towards farming is from an ecological management aspect that is able to support the realization of sustainable production forest resources. Taking method using Slovin model and approach using Participatory Rural Appraisal / PRA.Data analysis using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) model with the help of the WarpPLS program (development of Partial Least Square).Based on the analysis of agroforestry farming that shows that the process of agroforestry farmer empowerment has a significant effect on community empowerment. The results of this empowerment process are marked as follows: politics with agroforestry farmer performance has path coefficient -0.07 with P-value 0.01; economy with performance has a path -0.268 and P-Value <0.001; social culture with performance has a path of 0.073 and P-Value 0.019; management with performance has a path of 0.061 and P-Value 0.043; ecology with performance has a path -0,093 and P-Value 0,004; empowerment with management has a path -0.048 and P-Value 0.089; and management with ecology has a path of 0.049 and P-Value 0.082; support in facilitating the success of empowerment, so that it can increase the independence of sustainable agroforestry farmers. The majority of agroforestry farmers agree that the management of forest areas with an economic variable of 61% is in the high category of environmental management with an answer level of 3.68, the overall management capacity variable of 4.76 in the high category of empowerment is also perceived to be high. Agroforestry with a dairy cow-based silvopasture system to provide benefits to farmers averaging Rp. 22,250,000. - / year, B / C Ratio (2.33 ) Based on the results of the analysis, the size of the share of land, the number of livestock and the level of development of agroforestry in an ecological and economic manner have a significant effect on sustainable farmers.

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Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/8205      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/8205