Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Blood Donation among adults in a rural population in Karnataka, India

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Introduction Blood donation is vital to the efficient functioning of a nation’s health system. Despite a requirement of over 8 million units of blood per year, data regarding awareness and practices of blood donation among rural populations remains inadequate. A study on the knowledge, attitude and practice of blood donation among adults in a rural population will help highlight the importance of adopting effective measures in rural areas to motivate voluntary blood donation among the population. Objectives To assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of blood donation among adults in a rural population in Karnataka. Methodology A pre tested validated questionnaire was administered to 141 subjects aged 18-60 years using systematic random sampling in Mugalur sub-center, rural Karnataka. The questionnaire comprised of sections on knowledge, attitude and practice of blood donation. Results The mean knowledge score was 11.01±6.9 with 52 subjects (36.9%) having good knowledge. The mean attitude score was 8.06±3 with 84 (59.4%) having good attitude. There was a significant correlation between knowledge and attitude scores. There was no gender difference in the case of knowledge and attitude regarding blood donation. Younger age group (<30) and higher education levels had better knowledge. Better knowledge and attitude prevailed among those who had previously donated blood and whose family members had donated or received blood. Conclusion Good knowledge about blood donation translates into a more positive attitude however this has not necessarily translated into practice. The lack of awareness and misconceptions concerning donation may contribute to the lack of initiative for voluntary donation. Higher education, younger age and prior contact with health care providers are a major positive influence.
[Priyanka Maria Mathias, Nitin Yashas Murthy, Bestin Thomas, Nagotu Anush, Ashwini GS, Deepthi Shanbhag (2014); Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Blood Donation among adults in a rural population in Karnataka, India Int. J. of Adv. Res. 2 (Aug). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407).