18Jul 2018


  • PG Scholar, Dept. of Samhita & Siddhanta, Govt Ayurvedic College, Guwahati, India.
  • Associate Professor, Dept. of Samhita & Siddhanta, Govt Ayurvedic College, Guwahati, India
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Trikatu churna is an ayurvedic polyherbal formulation of pippali, sunthi, marich whose botanical names are Piper longum Linn, Zingiber officinale, Piper nigrum Linn respectively. It has been used in diseases like agnimandya, Slipada, galaroga, swasa, kustha, pinasa, kasa. It has effective results in respiratory problems due to bronchodilator properties. It has also been used to lessen the production of phlegm. Trikatu churna is hot in potency. It is stimulative in nature, good for liver, spleen and pancreas. It also stimulates stomach to produce different enzymes. Hence it helps in digestion .It is useful in improving digestive fire and promotes the proper breakdown of food and it also increases appetite and also regulate the formation of hydrochloric acid which further help to prevent gaseous distention. It is also used to lower the cholesterol and triglycerides. Trikatu churna also improves blood channels via detoxifying properties .It provides relief from joints pain and stiffness in case of gout. This study was undertaken to standardize the trikatu churna through pharmaceutical evaluation. The sample was subjected for phytochemical and various physico-chemical parameters like total ash (4.59%), acid insoluble ash (0.91%) LOD (10.06%), PH (10% Aq.sol) (5.46%), alcohol soluble extractive (8.64%), water soluble extractive (25%). Moreover it contains various phytochemical like phyto sterol, alkaloids, carbohydrates, phenol etc. Thus the physico-chemical character?s may provide guidelines for the standardization of powder formulation of trikatu churna.

  1. Charaka Samhita, edited by Vaidyaji trikamji Acharya, published by chowkhamba publication.
  2. Sushruta samhita with nibandha sangraha commentary and nyaya channdrika panjika, ed. by Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya and Narayana Ram Acharya Kavyatirtha, Chaukhambha Oreintelia, 1996.
  3. Astanga Hridaya by Arunadatta ?Sarvangasundara? commentary and Ayurved Rasayana, comm. By Himadri ed. by Hari Shastri Paradkar, Pub. by Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, reprinted 1995.
  4. Dravyaguna Vigyan by VM Gogate, Pub. Maharastra Vidyapeeth Granth Nirmiti Mandala 2nd
  5. Bhaisajya Ratnavali of Kaviraj Govind Das Sen, Dr. G. Prabhakar Rao.
  6. Sharangadhar Samhita, A treatise on Ayurveda, prof. K.R. Srikanthamurthy.

[Dipankar Saha and Niten Barman. (2018); PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF TRIKATU CHURNA. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (Jul). 564-566] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dipankar Saha


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/7398      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/7398