24Jun 2018


  • JR Department of orthopaedics GMC Jammmu.
  • SR department of orthopaedics.
  • Shri Mahant Indresh Hospital Dehradun.
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The acetabulum is a cup-shaped socket of the hipbone that derives its name from its resemblance to a shallow Roman vinegar cup. In clinical medicine, measurements of the acetabulum are crucial in diagnosis, monitoring patient recovery, determining stability of the hip joint and in assessment of acetabular dysplasia. The decision for operative treatment is often based on different radiographic measurements and scores for which normal values are defined. Therefore orthopaedic surgeons often use combinations of measurements when assessing acetabular parameter. A number of authors have also shown that geometrical measurements of acetabulam differ with respect to age, sex, and race and even within regions. The size, shape and depth of the acetabulum are variable as reported by Govsa F et al., Therefore, the knowledge of various parameters of acetabulum would be helpful in performing surgical procedures such as acetabular reconstruction and planning reorientation procedures using spikes and screws for fixation.

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[jawahar mehmood khan and jabreel muzaffar. (2018); A STUDY OF MEASUREMENT OF ACETABULAR INCLINATION ANGLE RADIOLOGICALLY IN NORTHERN INDIAN POPULATION OF JAMMU REGION. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (Jun). 1092-1096] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Mohd Irfan Banday


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/7315      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/7315