- Physics Education Department, Faculty of Education University of Lampung, Indonesia.
- Magister Science Education Department, Faculty of Education University of Lampung, Indonesia.
- Magister Physics Education Department, Faculty of Education University of Lampung, Indonesia.
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The learning activities in the classroom cannot be separated from their models and approaches for the launch learning activities and improve the understanding of the concept and the intelligence of learners must be balanced with utilizing learning approach. One form of approach that supports independent learning process is Integrated Approach Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). This research is a quasi-experimental study. Results of samples paired t-test showed Sig.(2-tailed) 0.000 means there are differences in results pretest and posttest supported the test results that show the value of the effect size effect size of 0.90 for the experimental class men and 0.99 for women classified experimental large class. The test results independent sample t-test showed Sig.(p-value) to 0.782 posttest and 0.392 for N-Gain, showed no difference in the average understanding of the concept and according to test results. Analysis of Covariance Data posttest Sig.(p-value) 0.782 and N-Gain Sig.(p-value) 0.392, there was no difference in average learners' understanding of the concept of male and female. Thus, it can be concluded that with STEM-based approach to Problem Based Learning which have been tested can be used as an approach to reduce gender disparities and enhance participants understanding of the science concept.
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[Maretha Zahara, Abdurrahman Abdurrahman, Chandra Ertikanto and Agus Suyatna. (2018); IMPLEMENTATION OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AND MATHEMATICS (STEM) LEARNING APPROACH TO REDUCE GENDER DISPARITY IN SCIENCE LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (Apr). 308-316] (ISSN 2320-5407).
Physics Education Department, Faculty of Education University of Lampung, Indonesia