- Department of Environmental Engineering Faculty of Engineering Andalas University.
- Kampus Limau Manis, Padang West Sumatra 25163 INDONESIA.
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This study aimed to analyze the effect of transportation on lead (Pb) concentration in fried street foods of Padang school area and to analyze hygiene and sanitation handling against processed fried street foods ingredients. Samplings for the analysis of Pb concentration in fried street foods of school was conducted at the school area that located on the primary arterial road and the local secondary road in Simpang Haru District. Fried street food sampling and vehicle volume counting were conducted for 7 consecutive school days. In addition, the distribution of questionnaires to students and also to all traders of street food. The average Pb content of fried street food on primary arterial roads in the range of 0.249 ? 0.288 ppm and on local secondary roads ranging from 0.155 ? 0.218 ppm. The content of Pb in the primary arterial road passes the quality standard set by National Agency of Drug and Food Control Indonesia (0.25 ppm) and SNI (0.2 ppm). While the Pb content of the schools in the local secondary road only passed the SNI quality standard. The levels of Pb in food and volume of vehicles passing through the primary arterial road has a correlation value of 0.714, while on local secondary roads was 0.143. Pb in foods was not only caused by motor vehicle pollutants but also treatment when handling. This can be seen from the number of street vendors who do a positive treatment on hygiene and food sanitation to fried street food only about 30 ? 70 %.
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[Taufiq Ihsan, Tivany Edwin and Elsa Fitriani. (2018); LEAD (PB) CONTAMINATION IN STREET VENDORS FRIED FOODS IN SCHOOL AREA OF PADANG MUNICIPALITY, INDONESIA. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (Mar). 341-346] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com
Department of Environmental Engineering Faculty of Engineering Andalas University