26Feb 2018


  • Department of Electrical Engineering, Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic, Aceh, 24375, Indonesia.
  • Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia 16002.
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The indicator of sugar mill efficiency is the yield represented by sugar mill performance (technical efficiency), sugar cane plantation (sugar cane quality), and productivity. The scenario developed to formulate production process based on gap analysis. The objective of the study was to compare the production and productivity of sugar mills through improvement efficiency. The method used in this research was quantitative descriptive method, making a description of the relationship between sugar yields determinant variables, including (1) determination of gap analysis on a benchmark, (2) prediction of sugar yields and bagasse using multiple linear regression, (3) energy calculations with NCV (Net Caloric Value) approach, and (4) partial productivity measurement. The results showed that scenario 3 increased the yield to 10.4% with an increase of white crystal sugar production by 24%, while scenario 2 increased the yield to 9.3% with an increase of white crystal sugar production by 11.7% compared to scenario 1. Increasing the efficiency of milling extraction (ME) capable of increasing the energy potential of 4.3 kWh. Improving the technical efficiency of the factory resulted in increased productivity of raw materials of 0.029 tons white crystal sugar/tons, productivity of machine work hours of 5.29 white crystal sugar per work hours, sugar productivity to the land of 1.79 tons white crystal sugar/ha and energy productivity 4.27 kWh/tons bagasse (R-value as a validation test prediction model is 97.1% and 72%).

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[Gunawan, Tajuddin Bantacut, Muhammad Romli and Erliza Noor. (2018); PRODUCTION AND PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT THROUGH EFFICIENCY SUGAR MILL Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (Feb). 1931-1941] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Gunawan1), Tajuddin Bantacut2), Muhammad Romli2), Erliza Noo
1) Department of Electrical Engineering, Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic, Aceh, 24375, Indonesia 2) Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia 16002


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/6638      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/6638