- The writer is working as an Assistant Professor in History in Seedling School of Law and Governance, Jaipur National University, Jaipur. He had worked as an Assistant Professor in Apex Professional University, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh. He also specialises in NATO Affairs. He also worked as reporter in Indian Express, Daily News Analysis, online news portals like Global News Service and Global Gujarat News and ?Monitor? Magazine. He also worked as a Liaison Officer in Indian Society of International Law, New Delhi.
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The term ?organized crime? can be used in two very different senses. It can simply mean systematic and illegal activity for power or profit. Today, however, the term is usually used in a second sense, and has become virtually synonymous with gangsters in general or the ?Mafia? or mafia-type organisations, in particular. The threat posed by organized crime in other words must be met by nations committing more resources towards increasing the effectiveness of policing efforts at home and collaborative efforts between nations. With the process of economic globalization, the establishment of emerging supranational structures, and the current political argument in favor of the free movement of goods, capital and people have all intentionally eroded an essential aspect of sovereignty, state control on the flow of goods and services through its frontiers continues to maintain sufficient levels of security for the general population. This paper draws attention to decisive effect of the organized crime on the political institutions. Criminal groups could try to exert an appreciate influence on the decision making capabilities of the three classical powers: the Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial. This attempted infringement is the natural consequence of the very dynamics of the illegal organizations on a grand scale, which in certain cases is similar to other large, legitimate groups, and has two main aspects. On the one hand, it tends create its own systems for dealing out justice and, on the other hand, it tries to turn the machinery of the state in its favor. Both aspects have the same objectives: to reduce the cost of viability for the group over the long run and to increase income.
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Seedling School of Law and Governance Jaipur National University