24Feb 2018
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The place of Aenon near to Salem must have been so well known, that John states the name with great brevity, giving no further topographical reference. Recent survey and excavations on the eastern side of Jordan River in the area of Ain Salem located close to the lower parts of Wadi Hesban shed light on new archaeological evidences such as churches, water installations, hermits caves, and active springs still running in the area, related to activities of John the Baptist during his ministry in Perea during the Roman Age.
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[ Dr. Mohammad Waheeb , AbdullAziz Mahmoud (2018); THE DISCOVERY OF AENON (SALEEM)NEAR SITE OF JESUS BAPTISM. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (Feb). 1399-1411] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com
Mohammed Waheeb
Hashemite University , Queen Rania College for Cultural Heritage
Hashemite University , Queen Rania College for Cultural Heritage