27Dec 2017


  • Student, MBA (BFSI), School of BFSI, Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences, Indore.
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In global scenario there are several changes and challenges faced by the Banking Industry especially by public and private sector banks where leadership plays an important role in achieving organizational goals. Leadership styles of Managers\' in banks at various levels provide a sound background to the banking industry. Trait, behavioral and situational leadership studies, ability, dynamism, perceptions, attitudes of bank managers are helpful to manage problems in the banks and hence improvement in their performance. The study suggests that to an idea of leadership style that attempts to profile a person, you have to take in other factors, such as, how your peers and employees rate you as a leader, do you get your job done, do you take care of your employees, are you helping to \"grow\" your organization, etc. A survey was conducted to collect data using questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed using statistical tools. This paper examines the theory and conceptual understanding of the leadership styles in banking.

  1. Dr Sandhya Mehta (2016), ?A Review Paper on leadership styles of managers among public and private sector banks and its relationship with other constructs?. International Journal of New Innovations in Engineering and Technology-Volume 4 Issue 4.
  2. Ajay Jain (2014), ?Leadership Styles of Bank Managers in Nationalized Commercial Banks of India?. Purushartha: A Journal of Management Ethics and Spirituality-Vol. VII, No. 1.

[Rishabh Bapna. (2017); LEADERSHIP STYLES IN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR BANKS. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Dec). 1545-1560] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com



Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/6118      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/6118