29Nov 2017


  • Department of Zoology, SreeNarayana College, Cherthala- 688582, Kerala.
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, SreeNarayana College, Cherthala- 688582, Kerala.
  • HOD, Assistant professor, Department of Zoology, SreeNarayana College, Cherthala- 688582, Kerala.
  • Genetika, Centre for Advanced Genetic Studies, Pettah P O, Thiruvananthapuram - 695024, Kerala.
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Infertility is a global health issue affecting approximately 8-10% of couples. 30% of infertile couples are diagnosed with unexplained or idiopathic infertility. Idiopathic infertility is defined as the lack of an obvious cause for a couple's infertility. It can cause emotional stress and a range of psychological reactions including depression and anxiety. This review discusses the cytogenetic studies of couples with idiopathic infertility. The present study includes 28 infertile couples and 16 healthy control couples. All these subjects were karyotyped based on their characteristics. The cytogenetic analysis was correlated with risk factors of subjects. Subjects with abnormal karypotype along with various risk factors may leads to infertility. The principal treatments for unexplained infertility include expectant observation with timed intercourse and lifestyle changes. Medication along with lifestyle modification will help to reduce the risk for infertility.

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[Anu P, Reshmi V, Sanuj C Breezevilla and Dinesh Roy D. (2017); CYTOGENETIC STUDIES OF COUPLES WITH IDIOPATHIC INFERTILITY. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Nov). 1115-1119] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr Dinesh Roy D
Genetika, Centre for Advanced Genetic Studies


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/5874      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/5874