29Nov 2017


  • Doctoral Research Scholar (MAHER), Assistant professor, College Of Nursing, MTPG&RIHS, Puducherry, India.
  • Professor, College Of Nursing, PIMS, Puducherry, India.
  • Clinical Psychologist, Meenakshi Medical College&RI, Kancheepuram, India.
  • Associate Professor, College Of Nursing, MTPG&RIHS, Puducherry, India.
  • Chief Nursing Officer, School Of Nursing, MTPG&RIHS, Puducherry, India.
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It is important to understand the concept of health and its problems, internal &external factors that affecting the health, and to have a sound knowledge on preventive and promotive aspects of interventional approaches enhancing the health and development among the general population. The present review focuses on the health behaviors and problems affecting adolescents in the age group of 10-19 yrs. The review also examines some literatures related to statistics, policy initiatives and interventions and highlighting issues that need to be addressed for health and safety among adolescents. The main objective of this concept paper is, highlighting the alcohol abuse and other substance use/abuse among adolescents particularly in INDIA and preventive measures of alcoholism among adolescents. This paper concludes that since adolescence is age period of risk and experimentation, many adolescents initiates the use of substance like alcohol,tobacco etc and making their future in to dark period of entering into the dependence stage. Hence prevention of substance use among theses age group is vital and essential.

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[S. Suvitha, M. Navaneetha, Nappinai, Sridevy and E. Premila. (2017); ADOLESCENCE - VULNERABLE PERIOD FOR ALCOHOL USE. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Nov). 1091-1095] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

assistant professor,college of nursing,MTPGRIHS,Puducherry,INDIA


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/5870      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/5870