- School of Dentistry, Centro Universit?rio UNILE?O, Juazeiro do Norte ? CE, Brazil. \ Professor of Human Anatomy, Department of Dentistry, Centro Universit?rio UNILE?O, Juazeiro do Norte CE, Brazil.
- PhD in Dentistry, Department of Dentistry, Universidade de Pernambuco UPE, Recife ? PE, Brazil.
- Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology, Department of Dentistry, Associa??o Brasileira de Odontologia ABO, Fortaleza ? CE, Brazil.
- Master?s Degree of Orthodontics, San Leopoldo Mandic, Campinas ? SP, Brazil.
- Professor of Oral Implantology, Department of Dentistry, Centro Caririense de P?s-Gradua??o CECAP, Juazeiro do Norte ? CE, Brazil.
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The bichat ball (BB) was discovered by the French anatomist Marie Fran?ois Xavier Bichat, who in turn is defined as an encapsulated structure that presents in its content a type of specialized fat, which is located between buccinator and masseter. Case Report: Female patient, 22-year-old feoderma, attended at a private dental clinic, arrived with the main complaint that her face had the oval aspect and wanted to perform a surgery for the removal of bichat balls. A physical examination was performed palpating the buccal, infraorbital and zygomatic regions. Subsequently, the patient was informed about this procedure of facial harmonization, highlighting the complications that can arise trans and post-surgical and this is a procedure that does not offer predictability of the outcome. Final Considerations: Bichectomy is a surgical procedure of low complexity and presents excellent results in the current pattern of facial aesthetics, however, this procedure must be performed with criteria, as well as the consent of the dental surgeon as noble structures closely related to the place of surgery.
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[?talo kennedy silva santos, jefferson david melo de matos, jos? diogo barros, c?ssio rocha medeiros, tiago fran?a araripe cariri, bruna caroline gon?alves de vasconcelos, victor archeti vardiero and john eversong lucena de vasconcelos. (2017); BICHECTOMY AS AN ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT FOR FACIAL HARMONIZATION - CASE REPORT. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Nov). 1495-1502] (ISSN 2320-5407).
Jesus Alves de Vasconcelos