- Post-Graduate Resident, Department Of ENT AND HNS, GMC Srinagar.
- Assistant professor, department of ENT AND HNS, GMC Srinagar.
- Post-graduate resident, department of PATHOLOGY, SKIMS, SOURA, Srinagar.
- Head Of Department, ENT AND HNS, GMC Srinagar.
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Background: This prospective study was conducted to clinically evaluate Sleep Disorderd Breathing children after Adenotonsillectomy Using Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire.SDB can lead to substantial morbidities, affecting the central nervous system (CNS), the cardiovascular and metabolic systems, and somatic growth, ultimately leading to reduced quality of life. Methods: This prospective study was conducted in 47 patients in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Government Medical College and associated SMHS Hospital Srinagar. In this study ,we included the patients with SDB in pediatric age group, who visited in our OPD.Pediatric Sleep questionnaire was used pre-operatively,at 2 and 6 months after surgery. Results: Our study group comprised of total 47 patients with majority of patients with in age group of 5-7 years, males were 29 (61.70%) and females were 18 (38.30%). Snoring, mouth breathing and frequent awakening were the most common presenting symptoms, 89.36% , 85.11% and 70.21% respectively. Juglodigastric Lymphadenopathy,High Arched Palate were the most common signs,85.11%and 78.12% respectively. Paediatric sleep questionnaire (PSQ) was used pre-operatively ,at 2 months, at 6 months.Pre-operative score showed that majority of patients 41 (87.23%) had score between 8-15 i.e, moderate SDB and 6 (12.77%) patients had score between 16-22 i.e,severe SDB .Mean PSQ value pre-operativly,at 2 months and at 6 months were 12.27 ,3.38 , 2.13 respectivelly ,showing improvement in the degree SDB after surgical intervention. Conclusion: Based on the observations made in the study we concluded that there was a significant improvement in Pediatric sleep questionnaire (PSQ scale was used for diagnostic purpose pre-operatively,at 2 months and at 6 months, showed the mean score of 12.28,3.68 and 2.36 respectively),which shows there is significant improvement in post operative scores as compared to preoperative score and hence post operative symptoms after surgical intervention.
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[Arshed Ali, Jasif Nisar, Ihsan Ali, Salma Gull and Prof. Dr Rauf Ahmad. (2017); STUDY OF EFFECT OF ADENOTONSILLECTOMY IN CHILDREN WITH SLEEP DISORDERD BREATHING USING PEDIATRIC SLEEP QUESTIONNAIRE. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Nov). 238-243] (ISSN 2320-5407).