31Aug 2017


  • Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna.
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The way and manner limited resources (timeslots) of a GSM/GPRS network is shared between GSM services and GPRS services is key to maximization of revenue for the telecommunications companies as the revenue is directly proportional to how much users the system can attend to per time. Consequently, the aim of this work is to determine the best sharing scheme that will allow for the maximum utilization of the available timeslots by having more users of both traffic classes being served per time. The markov chain model was used to model the blocking probability of the circuit switched services while the markov modified engset model was used to model the probability of the packet switched services. These two models were now applied to three dimensioning (sharing) schemes that were considered in this work. These models were then implemented as M-codes on MATLAB and the plotted results were compared to arrive at the final conclusion of this work. The partial partitioning scheme were found to have lower data blocking probabilities and higher data throughput (of between 50% to 300% depending on the voice traffic load per time) for same number of users than its complete partitioning dimension scheme counterpart. The model was also validated with real network data and the result was consistent with the model. It was eventually concluded that of the complete sharing, complete partitioning and the partial partitioning schemes considered in this work, the partition partitioning scheme is the most efficient in timeslot allocation and usage and hence better revenue generation in the overall system as it can attend to more GSM and GPRS users simultaneously at a time.

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[KOLAWOLE Samuel Farayola and IBIWOYE Mathew (2017); TRAFFIC DIMENSIONING MODEL AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION IN GSM/GPRS NETWORK. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Aug). 2135-2156] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

KOLAWOLE Samuel Farayola
Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/5281      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/5281