22Aug 2017


  • School of Dentistry, Centro Universit?rio UNILE?O, Juazeiro do Norte ? CE, Brazil.
  • Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology, Department of Trauma, Hospital de Emerg?ncia e Trauma Senador Humberto Lucena, Jo?o Pessoa ? PB, Brazil.
  • Specialist in Family Health, Department of Nursing, Universidade Regional do Cariri - URCA, Crato ? CE, Brazil.
  • Graduate in Letters - English Language, Universidade Regional do Cariri - URCA, Crato ? CE, Brazil.
  • Master?s Degree of Orthodontics, San Leopoldo Mandic, Campinas ? SP, Brazil.
  • Professor of Oral Implantology, Department of Dentistry, Centro Caririense de P?s-Gradua??o CECAP, Juazeiro do Norte ? CE, Brazil.
  • Specialist in Oral Implantology, Centro Caririense de P?s-Gradua??o CECAP, Juazeiro do Norte ? CE, Brazil.
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Introduction: The ectopy irruption is understood as the impossibility of dental eruption through deviations in its pattern of eruptive normality, due to the fact that it is the dental group with an eruptive trajectory and more difficult development, the canines suffer greater impaction and ectopic eruption, losing only to the upper molars. The surgical treatment for its removal is one of the alternatives when orthodontic traction is not feasible. Case Report: AMMF patient, 13 years old, feoderm, attended in a private clinic, complaining about the absence of a permanent non-fractured dental element. A clinical and radiographic examination was performed and it was observed that the element 23 was impacted and inverted at the canine fossa level. We opted for surgical removal due to the impossibility of orthodontic traction. Final Considerations: It is concluded that clinical exams together with radiological images are of great importance for the planning of more effective and more accurate treatments for cases of ectopic canine removal from the nasal fossa.

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  7. Santos IKS, Matos JDM, Pereira ALC, Oliveira AJAG, Franco JMPL, Vardiero VA, Vasconcelos JEL. Removal of Ectopic Canine in Region of Mandible - Case Report. Journal of Medical and Biological Science Research. 2017; 03(03): 24-31.

[Jaqueline Alves do Nascimento, Jefferson David Melo de Matos, Raphael Oliveira de Meneses, Jessica Bezerra Gondim Novais de Ara?jo, Antonio Jackson Andrade Gonzaga de Oliveira, Bruna Caroline Gon?alves de Vasconcelos, Tiago Nor?es Gomes, Victor Archeti Vardiero, John Eversong Lucena de Vasconcelos and Dimas Novais de Ara?jo Junior. (2017); REMOVAL OF ECTOPIC CANINE OF THE NASAL FOSSA: CASE REPORT. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Aug). 1253-1257] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Acadm. Jefferson Matos
Academic Dentistry School of Dentistry Centro Universitário Leão Sampaio - UNILEÃO


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/5179      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/5179