- Department of Computer Science Engineering, University of Barisal.
- Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka.
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Although Object Oriented Programming is rapidly used in software industry, a wide variety of software is still used in the existing market developed in Procedural Programming languages. Sometimes, the maintenance of large software which developed in procedural languages become high costly and time consuming. To reduce this maintenance cost and make them more usable, some industries intend to transform that software from Procedural to Object Oriented Paradigm. On this purpose, researches have been focusing on automatic design migration approaches. Selecting a suitable and optimal method from the available is difficult because those approaches are not studied for any similar dataset. In this research, an empirical experiment has been conducted for identifying the optimal one among Genetic Algorithm, Local Search, Variable Neighborhood Search and Build Cluster Hierarchy algorithms. Six case studies from different real life software varying from 500 to 3700 LOCs are presented for experimental results verification. Final results are compared by a well known matrix named Jaccard Similarity Coefficient. Case studies show that Genetic Algorithm based approach outperforms other algorithms.
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[Md. Samsuddoha, Md. Saeed Siddik, Md. Selim and Shah Mostafa Khaled. (2017); EMPIRICAL APPROACH TO VALIDATE HEURISTIC ALGORITHMS FOR PROCEDURAL PROGRAMMING TO OBJECT ORIENTED DESIGN MIGRATION. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Sep). 38-45] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com