- Doctoral Student, Department of Architecture, Institute Technology of Sepuluh November, Surabaya, Indonesia.
- Department of Architecture, Institute Technology of Sepuluh November, Surabaya, Indonesia.
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The change habitus from fisherman to farmers in the Sentani customary community becomes a phenomenon that causes changes in the privacy of traditional homes, where Bourdieu (2002) 'habitus' is said to be the way people interpret and respond to the environment within the framework of their knowledge, familiar ideas and personal experience habits in a sociocultural context. The change of habitus from fisherman to the farmer of Sentani community becomes the latest of this research is investigating the change of privacy space. The research method used is qualitative research with by doing the interpretation and definition of the three method i.e., reviewing the document history (historical reference in 1903) did a study of past and current conditions (existing). The results showed that change habitus fisherman become farmers on indigenous Sentani revamp concept of privacy at home.
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[Deasy Widyastomo, Muhammad. Faqih and Purwanita Setijanti. (2017); THE CHANGE OF PRIVACY CONCEPT OF THE FISHERMAN TRADITIONAL HOUSE TO BE FARMERS HOUSE IN CUSTOM SENTANI PAPUA INDONESIA. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Aug). 1217-1226] (ISSN 2320-5407).
Department of Architecture, Institute Technology of Sepuluh November, Surabaya, Indonesia