- Facultad de Turismo y Mercadotecnia, Universidad Aut?noma de Baja California, Campus Tijuana.
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This quantitative study investigates the factors that took into account the 380 visitors surveyed to choose a dental clinic for their treatments in the city of Tijuana. The problem consists in the lack of knowledge of the factors by which the tourists of a border region choose the clinics of a foreign city for their dental treatments. Therefore, the information was obtained by applying an exit pool survey to a selected sample of patients from clinics in the city. Fourteen items were included in the factor analysis. The results show five key factors influencing the decision: Quality-Price, Facilities and Technology, Length of Time and Price of Treatments, Credit and Urban Image. The first four of them correspond to situations or aspects that must be addressed and solved by clinics managers and owners; meanwhile the fifth factor requires the partnership work between local authorities and dental entrepreneurs.
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Facultad de Turismo y Mercadotecnia. Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Campus Tijuana.