- Service de Chirurgie viscerale aile 3 au CHU Ibn Rochd, Casablanca, Facult? de m?decine et de pharmacie Casablanca, Universit? Hassan II Casablanca MAROC.
- Driss ERGUIBI Professeur Assistant chirurgie viscerale.
- Abdelilah ELBAKOURI Resident en chirurgie viscerale.
- Taghrid BROUZINE Interne en chirurgie viscerale.
- Rachid BOUFETTAL Professeur agreg? en chirurgie viscerale.
- Saad Rifki JAI Professeur de l?enseignement superieur en chirurgie viscerale.
- Farid CHEHAB Professeur de l?enseignement superieur en chirurgie viscerale, chef de service Aile 3 et Doyen de la facult? de Medecine et de Pharmacie de Casablanca MAROC.
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Paravertebral spontaneous hematomas are rare and often reveal an underlying pathology, particularly infectious, tumorous or haematological. The symptomatology is usually acute, but progressive forms are possible. We report the observation of a 37-year-old woman, a left paravertebral hematoma was discovered as part of the etiological assessment of a recent onset abdominal pain syndrome. Abdominal CT scan revealed a large left paravertebral mass of 10 cm long axis. A median laparotomy was done. The tumor was soft and movable. A total exeresis was performed. The pathology examination had conclude in a calcified hematoma. The follow-up was 3 years.
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[D. Erguibi, A. Elbakouri, T. Brouzine, R. Boufettal, S.R. Jai and F. Chehab. (2017); SPONTANEOUS PARAVERTEBRAL HEMATOMA: A CASE REPORT. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Aug). 1750-1752] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com