26Jun 2017


  • Post Graduate Department and Research Centre of Botany, Mahatma Gandhi College, Affiliated to University of Kerala, Kesavadasapuram, Thiruvananthapuram- 695 015, Kerala, India.
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Centella asiatica (L) commonly known as Indian Pennywort is having great medicinal value and hence used as a medicinal herb in Ayurvedic medicine. The present study intends to provide an overview of the chemical constituents present in the crude leaf extracts of C. asiatica (L) with special emphasis on their pharmacological actions. Phytochemical screening of C. asiatica (L) was studied by extracting the dried powdered leaves with four different solvents such as water, acetone, chloroform and methanol. The extracts were subjected to qualitative phytochemical analysis using standard procedures. Preliminary phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of eight compounds such as carbohydrates, tannins, steroids, terpenoids, alkaloids, flavanoids, cardiac glycosides, saponins etc. Phytochemical analysis of the dried samples were more positive for methanol extracts. The results suggest that the leaves of C. asiatica (L) are a rich source of valuable primary and secondary metabolites.

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[Saranya S, Aswathy V Nair, M. Priyanka Prathapan, Neethu A.S and Neethu S. Kumar. (2017); PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF CENTELLA ASIATICA L. LEAF EXTRACTS. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Jun). 1828-1832] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Neethu S. Kumar
Post Graduate Department and Research Centre of Botany, Mahatma Gandhi College,


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/4610      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/4610