- Uşak Universitesi Uygulamalı Bilimler Y?ksek Okulu.
- Dokuz Eyl?l ?niversitesi İzmir Meslek Y?ksek Okulu.
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With the various reasons such as globalization, technological developments, rapid population increase, changes occurring in the cultural and socioeconomic structure etc. Some changes occurred in the desires and needs, life styles and, hence, purchasing behaviors of consumers. On this point arrived, consumers not only make shopping to remove their needs, but also, besides this, they try to take delight from shopping. Among the factors driving consumers to purchasing behavior, besides they need the goods and services, there is what these goods and services mean for them. This also revealed the concept of hedonic consumption. Business enterprises, for being able to respond in time and correctly to the desires and needs of consumers, which rapidly change, searching for the various differentiation ways, have begun to develop the different sale and marketing methods. One of these is sale development among elements of marketing communication mix. In this study, the effect of sales promotion activities, among elements of marketing communication mix, on hedonic consumption has been attempted to be examined.
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