21Jun 2017


  • Fisheries Research Center, Deputy Ministry for Fisheries, Ministry of Environment, Water & Agriculture, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
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A study was conducted to comparatively evaluate the microbial quality of seafoods collected from fish markets in Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia during the period from January 2015 until May 2016. In this study, Fishes, Prawn and Cuttlefish samples were analysed in 2 sampling categories such as samples collected from wholesale fish market (200 samples) and retail fish markets (200 samples). Total Plate Count (TPC) and Total Coliforms Count (TCC) in the skin attached muscles were analysed using Plate Count Agar (PCA) and Violet Red Bile Agar (VRBA), respectively. The mean Total Plate Count of bacteria and mean Total Coliform Count detected in all the raw seafood samples collected from retail markets were comparatively higher than that of seafood samples collected from wholesale markets as per the limits of SASO. From the result it can be concluded that most of the seafoods sold in the retail markets are not met the standards for human consumption. Thus, it is strongly recommended to enhance proper controlling of the storage and shelf life of the seafoods by implementing preventive measures and application of sanitation procedures in the fish markets to monitor the quality of raw seafoods by reducing the prevalence of the pathogens.

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[Mohamed Ibrahim, M.A., Sami Shabeeb Al Shabeeb, Nabil Bin Ibrahim Fita and Ghamri H. Al Ramadhan. (2017); A COMPARATIVE MICROBIAL QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF FRESH SEAFOODS COLLECTED FROM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MARKETS IN EASTERN PROVINCE OF SAUDI ARABIA. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Jun). 1227-1235] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Mohamed Ibrahim
Fisheries Research Center, Deputy Ministry for Fisheries, Ministry of Environment, Water & Agriculture, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/4528      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/4528