- Bachelor of Dental Surgery (year 1), Saveetha Dental College, Chennai-600077.
- Professor, Department of Oral Surgery, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, No.162, PH road, Chennai-600077.
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Aim and objective: The aim of this survey is to find out the attitude of medical professionals to the field of dentistry. Thereby creating an awareness of the developing good rapport between medical professionals and dentist and also encouraging dental professionals to be equally aware of the importance of the medical field and also be equally competent and discipline in their approach. Background: Various dental professionals come across unhealthy professional egoism and criticism from medical professionals in their daily practice. Also, many medical professionals are unaware of the scope of dentistry and thereby encroach into their field of interest, thus, creating an unhealthy professional relationship. Reason: The reason this survey was conducted is to make aware of the importance of dentistry in medical sciences. It is essential to understand the knowledge and understanding of all dental profession within the medical sector to ensure a better care for patients as a whole. Materials and Methods: A survey was done to find out the attitude of medical professionals to the field of dentistry. A pretested questionnaire containing 10 questions on personal experiences of dentists dealing with medical professionals was prepared for the dental professionals to be filled up. 100 dental professionals, both male and female from Saveetha Dental College were assessed through the questionnaire. The questionnaires were directly distributed to the subjects and finished questionnaires were immediately collected on site.The subjects are between the age of 23 to 59 years old. Results: A total of 100 questionnaires were distributed and 100 (100%) were returned.Based on the survey, the level of understanding and attitude between medical and dental professionals were positive towards each other. Most of the subjects agree that their relationship with medical doctors are in good rapport and are stable. Conclusion: The findings from this survey showed that the subjects have established good rapport with their medical acquaintances despite the differences in their field of career.
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[Nurul Syamimi binti Mohd Azlan Sunil and Brigit Eapen. (2017); UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN MEDICAL AND DENTAL PROFESSIONALS. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Apr). 1820-1827] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com