22Apr 2017


  • PG Scholar, Department of Panchakarma, IPGT & RA, Jamnagar, Gujarat.
  • Professor and Head, Department of Panchakarma, IPGT & RA, Jamnagar, Gujarat.
  • Prof. & I/C Director, IPGT & RA, Jamnagar.
  • Asst. Prof., Dept. of Kayachikitsa, IPGT & RA, Jamnagar, Gujarat.
  • Asst. Prof., Dept. of Panchakarma, IPGT & RA, Jamnagar, Gujarat.
  • PhD Scholar, Dept. of Panchakarma, IPGT & RA, Jamnagar, Gujarat
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In Ayurveda, Shwitra has been listed to be the worst amongst Kustha to cause disfigurement of the body. Shwitra is considered as one of the varieties of Kushtha in the Ayurvedic Classics, caused vitiation of Tridoshas and Dhatus like Rakta, Mansa and Meda. Based on Symptoms, Shwitra can be correlated with Vitiligo. Vitiligo is the problem described in the modern medicine as auto immune disease which manifest as white spot on the skin. Ayurveda has incorporated this condition into the broad heading of Shwitra. The Shwitra is the group of symptoms which manifest as the spot on the skin and causes cosmetic imbalance body which ultimately leads to many socialized psychological stigma in life of the patient. Considering the significance of therapeutics, a number of studies of different levels have been carried-out in the various PG Departments of various colleges of universities. Total ten studies were screened, which compiled the impact of classical and clinical guidelines, safety issues and therapeutic utilities in the management of Shwitra (Vitiligo).

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  17. [1] Jadav H.R., Prajapati P.K., Galib, Shukla V.J., Pharmaceutical Standardisation of Two Different Dosage Forms of Apamarga Kshara Yoga and their Clinical Efficacy on Shvitra (Vitiligo), PG Dissertation submitted to Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, 2014
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[Rajdip Rao, A. B.Thakar, K. S. Patel, N. N. Bhatt, Rahul Gandhi and Shital Bhagiya. (2017); CERTAIN RESEARCH WORKS DONE ON SHWITRA (VITILIGO) BY AYURVEDIC MANAGEMENT: A BRIEF REVIEW. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Apr). 262-267] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Rajdip Rao
PG Scholar


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/3803      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/3803