20Mar 2017


  • Department of Business Administration – Collage of Management and Financial sciences University of Cihan- Sulaymaniyah.
  • Department of Business Administration - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Koya University – and Visiting Lecturer at Lebanese French University.
  • Department of Business Administration - Collage of Administration and Economics University of Salahaddin – and Visiting Lecturer at Knowledge University.
  • Abstract
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This study aims to identify the compatibility between a numbers of business alignment strategies related to the (Miles & Snow) model that represented by (defenders, prospectors, analysts, respondents) with competitive intelligence, represented by (planning and focus analysis, collection, communication, structure and processes, and organisational culture and awareness). The study population is two soft drinks company (Hayat Company for soft drinks and mineral water, Ltd. under license from PepsiCo Inc., and CC Company for the drinks industry, Ltd. under license from Coca-Cola) in the city of Erbil. The study pursues a descriptive analytical approach, along with examine a set of hypotheses for the purpose of achieving the goals of the study and its problem that have been tested by multiple statistical tools using statistical analysis software program (SPSS 20). A survey questionnaire prepared and distributed to managers and their assistant in addition to supervisors in the different units such as production, distribution, marketing and management, and in the various branches in the city of Erbil. The study sample numbered (63) managers. The study found a number of results based on the analysis of respondents' answers such as the both company have high-level rates of compatibility strategies comparable with excellence for Coca-Cola and comes second Pepsi. Based on the results the study presents a set of recommendations and suggestions to organizations.

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[Khalid Hamad Amin Mirkhan, Zana Majed Sadq and Sherwan Omar Omer. (2017); ANALYZING THE ROLE OF STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT OF BUSINESS STRATEGIES RELATED TO THE (MILES & SNOW) MODEL ON COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Mar). 337-362] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr. Khalid HamadAmin Mirkhan, Zana Majed Sadq, Sherwan Omar


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/3520      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/3520