- Professor, Symbiosis International University.
- MBA Students, Symbiosis International University.
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One of the key sources of competitive advantage today is taken to be talented human capital base. In lieu of the same, different firms have been seen to employ the generic marketing strategies to augment the complete employment experience. In this context, employees are viewed to be ‘Internal Customers’ and the ‘Job’ as a product, which the firm offers to its personnel. The practice of adherence to such marketing principles under the purview of human resource management, is today popularly christened as ‘Employer Branding’. Given the relevance that the firms today are laying on this concept and the committed efforts initiated by them towards becoming the ‘Employer of Choice’, is clearly reflective of the significance of this employee friendly strategy. Employer branding is thus defined as “a targeted, long-term strategy to manage the awareness and perceptions of employees, potential employees and related stakeholders with regards to a particular firm” (Sullivan, 2004). It is thus emerging as a potent tool to convey the ‘Employee Value Proposition’ to existent and plausible recruits. It would be interesting to note that due to such dedicated efforts by varied organizations (spanning versatile industries) the current and potential employees tend to form certain perceptions about the employer brand. This dissertation therefore aims to study certain relevant dimensions of employer branding and their subsequent impact on effectively attracting and retaining, employees. The focused group for collecting data entailed employees currently working in certain prominent IT giants and Business School students who are likely to enter the corporate sector in the upcoming days. A survey was conducted and a total of two hundred responses was collected for subsequent analysis. Further, exploratory factor analysis was undertaken using SPSS for reducing the identified dimensions into certain tangible and relatable factors. It was finally concluded that strategic employer branding has a direct (positive) implication on retaining critical talent pool. Also, branding and other pertinent advertising strategies employed by organizations facilitate in enhancing employer attractiveness for potential hires. Thus, the ‘Brand Promise’ which the employers of today are extending to their workforce, has been comprehensively discoursed in the paper.
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[Suruchi Pandey, Bandana Preet Kaur Jolly, Ridhima Bhatia and Smriti Mishra. (2017); EMPLOYER BRANDING AND IT’S IMPACT ON ATTRACTION AND RETENTION IN IT FIRMS: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Feb). 2450-2480] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com