- Department of Science and Technology Education, University of Jos, Nigeria.
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Problem posing has received considerable attention recently by researchers in mathematics education. Researchers in mathematics education have reported that problem posing is an effective strategy for teaching and learning mathematics. This study was carried out to bring to limelight the benefits of problem posing intervention in learning mathematics. The study was a systematic review of empirical studies on the effects of problem posing instructional strategy in the learning of mathematics. Search for the studies was both electronically and manually, and many studies were found, but only 16 studies met the requirements for inclusion, and the participants involved in these studies were 1871. The studies that met the requirements were examined in depth, especially in terms of the title, study design, participants and findings of each study. It was revealed that all the studies reported significant improvement in the learning outcomes studied. The learning outcomes related to all the 3 learning domains of Bloom’s taxonomy (cognitive, psychomotor, and affective). Problem posing instructional strategy was reported to have impacted positively on the students’ learning of mathematics. Problem posing instruction was shown to support knowledge-based, skill-based, ability-based and attitude/belief-based learning. It was advocated that problem posing be made an integral part of the mathematics curriculum.
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[Habila Elisha Zuya. (2017); THE BENEFITS OF PROBLEM POSING IN THE LEARNING OF MATHEMATICS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Mar). 853-860] (ISSN 2320-5407).
Department of Science and Technology Education, University of Jos, Nigeria.